Sharing the Hope with Tyler Sajdak

Sharing the Hope
Sharing the Hope
Sharing the Hope with Tyler Sajdak

Join us as we share the hope with Tyler Sajdak.

Tyler Sajdak (Shy-dock) is a 30 year old HLHS patient. He had three Open Heart Surgeries at Mott Children’s Hospital in Ann Arbor, MI. His family moved to Iowa when he was 3 and he began seeing a cardiology team at what is now Children’s Nebraska in Omaha, MI. He grew up involved in as many sports as he could play, eventually lettering in tennis in high school and playing baseball through his sophomore year, and performing in the band and the forensics team. He graduated from Calvin University in Grand Rapids, MI in 2016 with a degree in political science. In 2018, he met the group that would found Single Ventricle Patient Day at the NPC-QIC/FON Fall Learning Session that year. He has been helping plan SVPD since then. Tyler is currently getting his masters degree from the University of Pittsburgh in Higher Education and is working for the University of Pittsburgh’s Physician Assistant program as an academic administrator.

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