Partnership with the Children’s Heart Foundation

Exciting News! The Micah Mason Foundation has formed a partnership with the Children’s Heart Foundation. This partnership establishes a fund in Micah’s name that is managed by the Children’s Heart Foundation. Once our funding goal of $100,000.00 is reached then the Micah Mason Foundation can choose to fund a research project that has been reviewed by the Children’s Heart Foundation. Please take a look at the following video to get a few more details behind why this is awesome!

As part of this news, we will be holding a Research Reception in June to talk about and showcase research that has been funded and been successful in the past. Get on the list now by sending an email to [email protected]

Check out the new research fund here:;jsessionid=00000000.app20127a?fr_id=1200&pg=entry&NONCE_TOKEN=CA41B653B4E48A39C935D64979BD2423