We will be having a Donor Meeting Tonight to discuss our partnership with the Children’s Heart Foundation and our named…
We are a day in and no one has donated to the cause yet, so the first person to donate get’s a special gift from the foundation!
Welcome everyone to our Annual Fundraiser! We had a very successful Capital Campaign last year so this year we decided…
Come play games with us, or watch us play games, and pledge to the foundation in the mean time!
Would you like to play a virtual board game with us while raising money to help children who were born with only half a heart? Yes you would!
January 29th 2022 @ 2:30pm join us for a game of randomly generated and sometimes maddeningly insane stories based on the classic 1001 Tales of Arabian Nights!
January 29th @ 11am Live on Facebook watch a team of board gamers play the Peterson Games Classic – Hyperspace!
January 29th 2022 @ 10am, 7pm, and 10pm watch Pat play the Mario game of your choice on Facebook Live to support HeartWorks!
Maria is super excited to help raise money for her brother’s charity. Pledge Now to help her decide which game to play!
January 29th 2022 @ 10am and 4:30pm Micah will be playing Driven to Win on the Nintendo Switch and Livesteamed on Facebook.