Saturday February 8th 2024
9am to 5pm Central Time
We are LIVE!
Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/micahmasonfoundation/videos/1657437701874341
Join us on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqlBp6pUE2E
Join us on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/micahmasonfoundation
Join us for Gaming with a Heart, a virtual gaming event, February 8th, 2025, to raise money for our partner HeartWorks.
Throughout the day on Saturday we will be gaming and we will be streaming it all for you to watch and enjoy.
Prior to the event you can pledge to show support for the various teams of players.
On the day of the event, you'll be able to pledge your support via the the streaming services we use: Facebook, Youtube, and Twitch.
Meet Our Players
Micah will be playing some combination of:
- Hot Wheels Monster Jam
- Luigi's Mansion 3
- Mario Party
- Mario Odyssey
Micah will play for 30 minutes to an hour and will be playing basically whatever he wants.
Pledges to Team Micah are for bragging rights, as in "I pledged money to a kid who only has half a heart so his charity can find a long term solution for his heart condition." Pretty sweet bragging rights if you ask me.
Maria is super excited to help raise money for her brother's charity.
She's so excited that she's willing to play whatever game you want her to play, as long as you pledge to support her team, and as long as it is one of these five games:
- Super Mario Odyssey
- Mario Maker
- Mario Kart 8
- Kirby Star Allies
Pledge Now to help her decide which game to play!
Pledge for Team Pat to watch Pat play the Mario game of your choice, go for the objectives you want to see, make things easy or really hard on Pat, or even to match his personal swear jar which I'm sure will be a heck of a pledge
Pat has the most complicated Pledging possibilities, in part cause he won't throw much of a fit if he get's forced to play something really hard.
Game Options include:
- Super Mario Brothers
- Super Mario Brothers 2
- Super Mario Brothers 3
- Super Mario World
- Super Mario 64
- Super Mario Galaxy
Pledge Options Include
- Pledge per Level Pat Completes
- Pledge per time Mario dies
- Pledge per curse uttered by Pat
- Pledge per game completed
During Gaming Pledging
Donations will be taken during every part of the event, but during Pat's time, donations given during the event can affect how Pat plays. Maybe he has to hop on one foot while playing or maybe he gets hit in the face with a pie if the donation levels get high enough. You'll have to tune in to see what happens.
Boy Howdy do we need some help. Please use the button below to sign up to help us make this an amazing event!
Micah's Day
Blackland Prairie Raptor Center
1625 Brockdale Park Road
Lucas, TX. 75002
Micah's Day is a day long celebration of Micah and other children with single ventricle heart disease. This year it will consist of a fun run in the morning using the paved trail around the park's pond for the route. You can sign up as an individual or team to fundraise for the foundation by getting people to donate to the cause as you complete laps around the pond. Lunch after the Fun Run is BBQ. BBQ is free to teams who raise enough money or tickets can be purchased here.
9:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Micah's Day morning will be a fun run around the lake in the park. Register below as a runner to raise money for the foundation on a per lap basis. For every $30 raised you get a free BBQ Lunch and Highest individual fundraiser will receive a special prize, as well as the person who gets the most people to pledge. Sign up Below!
Feel like you could bring a crowd to fundraiser, that sounds awesome to us! Us the link below to Register your team and start fundraising. Top fundraiser will receive a special prize and biggest registered team will win a prize as well. Sign up Below!
BBQ Lunch
Noon to 3:00 PM
Most charities do rubber chicken dinners, but this is Texas so we're going to do BBQ instead. Come spend the afternoon sampling some of the best the BBQ Texas has to offer. The meal isn't free, but don't worry, the proceeds are all going toward the foundation and our goal of curing congenital heart disease. If you are a runner or are on a team then for everyone $30 you raise you get a free lunch, otherwise Use the link below to purchase meal tickets.
Start of Fun Run
Run, jog, or walk around the park's loop. Person who makes the most loops get their choice of Micah Mason Foundation Merchandise.
Stations open
Hot Wheels Track Building
Use tracks to build the most fun hot wheels track you can!
Corn Hole
Practice your Corn Hole skills at the Corn Hole Station and sign your team up for the Corn Hole Tournament at 10.
Remote Control Cars and Droid
Set up and run a course with your favorite remote control car or star wars droid.
Big Blocks
Stack em, knock em down, build a house, a car, or whatever, just have fun with it.
End of Run loop counting
Tell the judges how many loops you went around and see where you stack up.
Corn Hole Tournament
See if you have what it takes to win the tournament. Winning team gets their choice of Micah Mason Foundation Merchandise.
BBQ Lunch Starts.
DFW Children's Heart Foundation Congenital Heart Walk

Team Micah Mason had a great time at the 2022 DFW Congenital Heart Walk.

January 29th 2022
Help us raise money for our HeartWorks team while watching Micah's family and friends play video games.
Check out the page for details and to pledge your support:
Event Page
2021 Annual Virtual Research Reception
Did you miss our 1st Annual Research Reception? You can still watch it now by clicking on the video to the left
Thank you to everyone who joined us for the research reception!
We greatly appreciate the love and support!