Join us as we share the hope with Whitney Pierce Whitney Pierce is a nurse coordinator at Children’s Mercy Hospital…
Join us as we share the hope with Dr. Thomas Glenn. Dr. Thomas Glenn is a pediatric cardiologist at Texas Childrens Hospital…
Join us as we share the hope with Lauren Shubs. Lauren is a heart parent to 6 year old Winston. Winston…
Tyler Sajdak (Shy-dock) is a 30 year old HLHS patient. He had three Open Heart Surgeries at Mott Children’s Hospital…
Join us as we share the hope with Erin Borkowski. Erin is a parent of a child with Hypoplastic Left…
Join us as we share the hope with Richard James. Richard is a parent of an adult who has single…
Join us as we share the hope with Dr. Keila Lopez. Dr. Keila N. Lopez, a native of Chicago, is…
Join us as we share the hope with Dr. Tim Nelson. Dr. Nelson is a physician/scientist trained in medicine and…
Come share the hope with us as we interview Diane Pickles. Diane Pickles is the Program Director of SOURCE at Additional Ventures,…
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